Get inspired to write in this hands-on course for freelance journalists and bloggers. Learn how to conduct research, interview people, suggest and publish stories, and strengthen your social media presence.

This is an accelerated magazine writing course in which you will learn how to conduct research, conduct interviews, and write magazine articles. Throughout the course, you will receive feedback on your ideas and practical help with any difficulties or obstacles you may encounter in researching your stories.

Students say, “So much material was covered and we got a real sense of what magazine editors are looking for”; “It gave me the confidence to make a presentation, write an essay/article, and approach editors”; “The class discussions were rich and varied”; “It was a very practical course filled with great advice and information”; “Brilliant. .

What will we cover?

  • How to analyze the market in terms of general features, hard and soft features and specialized articles.
  • What makes a feature sell and where to look for inspiration.
  • Research labels and where to look for additional information. Internet research opportunities.
  • How to prepare for an interview.
  • How to get readers interested and keep them interested.
  • Planning an article.
  • Selling an article.

What will I accomplish?
By the end of this course, you should be able to…

  • Start analyzing the market and write first drafts of general articles, news articles, and specialty articles.
  • Brainstorm for ideas – learn what would make a good sellable story and where to look for inspiration.
  • Prepare for the interview by researching the topic and formulating the right questions – in the right order.

What level is the course at and do I need any special skills?
The course is designed specifically for students who are serious about publishing their work and includes a thorough approach to market analysis. Some of the basic qualities that will determine a person’s success or failure are determination, enthusiasm, and hard work. It is very important that you have a good command of the English language.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside of class?
Group work, discussion, handouts highlighting key points, and short writing assignments in class. You will be asked to think about the questions and identify the answers. You may find it helpful to practice the writing skills you are experimenting with in class at home. Oral feedback will be offered on your writing one at a time, time permitting.